Useful web sites for a
better understanding of the great Creator
GOD'S EXISTENCE (Philosophical)
(Most of the greatest philosophers of the past believed in God.
Many lived very devout Christian lives.)
Leibniz- Metaphysical Principles and Proofs for God's Existence
William T. Myers ... edu. Leibniz: Core
Principles, Doctrines, and Proofs for God's Existence.
Theologica I, 2, 3- Does God exist- Excellent review
of established proofs and response to atheists objections.
Existence of God
... of the philosophical arguments that
are offered as proofs that there is a God,
... In addition to the philosophical arguments for the
existence of God, ...
Philosophy and the proof of God's existence by
Roger Jones
Philosophy and the proof of God's
existence, Introduction to philosophy since
the Enlightenment by Roger Jones.
Philosophical Proofs on the Existence of God
Philosophical Proofs on the Existence of
God. "If you remain in my word, you will
truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth shall
set ...
I Believe in God In this essay, Van Til addresses the
unbeliever with care and toughness concerning the existence of God.
Why I Believe in God, first published as a booklet, contains a very
subtle version of Van Til's transcendental argument for Christian
This page features scholarly and popular resources
concerning philosophical theism.
Why the
Burden of Proof is on the Atheist by Professor Ralph McInerny
The transcript of a 1996 debate between emminent Christian theist
philosopher Dr. William Lane Craig and prolific atheist Dr. Quentin
Smith on the topic, "Does God Exist?" The debate was held at Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, in March, 1996. Drs. Craig and
Smith collaborated on a book, "Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology."
In 1995, Dr. Massimo Pigliucci and Dr. William Lane Craig debated on
the campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. These scholars
discussed "Does God Exist?" This is the transcript of that debate.
Philosophical Proof of God's Existence
Philosophical proof of the existence of God. ...
Philosophical Proof of God’s
Existence. Philosophy is sometimes seen as an enemy of
faith. ...
Proofs for God's existence
PhilosophyOnline is an educational resource for students studying at A
level or
first year undergraduate level. It has online annotated texts, ...
Existence of God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In philosophical terminology, this article introduces schools of
thought on the
... Much of the disagreement about "proofs" of God's
existence is due to ...
Craig-Tooley Debate: A Classic Debate on the Existence of God
William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot
School of ...
All the proofs of God's existence may fail, but it still
may be the case that ...
GOD'S EXISTENCE (From the Bible)
are not just great moral principles; they are great proofs of God's
Arguments for God's Existence from the Bible Arguments
for God's Existence from the Bible.
Reasons to believe in the existence of God Evidence from
the Bible.
How should thinking Christians respond to purported information
embedded in the Bible?s original language? There is more to "The Bible
Code" than first meets the eye.
Bible Code Bombshell - Compelling Scientific Evidence that
God ...
Bible Code Bombshell - Compelling Scientific
Evidence that God Authored the Bible
by R. Edwin Sherman. Format: Paperback Length: 275 Pages ...
bible.org: Evidence For God's Existence
The Bible holds fantastic evidence that
its source is in God and that God ...
No doubt the strongest evidence for God’s existence in the
Bible comes from ...
Evidence for God's Existence
The unity of the Bible is evidence of
God's existence. One other aspect of the
Bible is probably the greatest evidence that God
exists and that He has ...
Existence of God
The historic evidence for the existence of God
is contained in the Bible.
Personally, I find the historical evidence to be persuasive.
GOD'S EXISTENCE (From Science)
GOD AND THE GREATEST SCIENTISTS Quotes from the greatest
scientists of the past who believed.
EINSTEIN AND GOD A chronological analysis of Einstein's views on
God and religion.
Christianity Aiding the Development of Science Isaac
Newton, Michael Faraday, Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Francis
Bacon, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), James
Clerk Maxwell, Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, Benjamin Franklin, Marconi,
Thomas Edison, Werner von Braun, and some others were Christians who
made tremendous contributions to science.
Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God By Dr. W.
One would think the unnecessary battle between science and
Christianity had long ago been resolved; however, recent statements by
both scientists and theologians belie that thought.
An investigation of the scientific basis of evolutionary theory,
featuring discussions on Darwinian mechanisms and Descent through common
Dr. John W. Patterson comments on Tracy Walters? replies in the
thermodynamics debate in Origins Research 9:2.
Review of Stephen Jay Gould's book, Wonderful Life, by a former
In this paper we would like to focus on the interpretation of the
Hebrew words "yom" and "bara/asah" as they are used in the early
chapters of Genesis to describe the time frame and mechanism of
creation. A careful examination of both biblical and scientific data
will be summarized. A critique of the current models based on this data
will be made leading to our summary of how at present we think one may
best harmonize all of the available information.
Paul Nelson delivers his report on the AAAS 1993 Boston meeting
discussing "The New Anti-Evolutionism" and Professor Michael Ruse's
surprising remarks.
Rick Wade examines the contemporary relevance of the apologetics of
Blaise Pascal, a seventeenth century mathematician, scientist, inventor,
and Christian apologist.
Sue Bohlin examines some of the evidence for God's existence
including His fingerprints in creation, inspired writings about Him in
the Bible, and God in the flesh, Jesus Christ.
Mark Hartwig provides an overview on Origins Research 10:1 and it
theme topic: Thermodynamics.
Through the study of our physical universe we can be drawn closer to
the One who formed it.
A Blindfolded Watchmaker: The Arrival of the
Darwinism: Science or Philosophy
In this May 95 article published by Moody Magazine, Mark Hartwig
criticizes Darwinists for the unscientific way they promote Darwinian
theory while discrediting the growing recognition of Intelligent Design.
Rich Milne and Dr. Ray Bohlin examine the major answers to the age
of the earth question as given by Christians, with a call to mark our
common enemy.
In response to a Kansas state board of education decision, Berkeley
Law professor Phillip E. Johnson lashes out in this Wall St. Journal
article: "Evolution is having serious trouble with the evidence--but its
proponents don't want an honest debate?."
The most recent discoveries in the field of microbiology have
revealed DNA to be a highly sophisticated and encoded language. The
Bible refers to the Creator as the Word of God. Is DNA really an encoded
message from our Creator? There are those who consider DNA as evidence
of evolution claiming that its ubiquitousness proves all life must have
evolved from a single source. Using their own logic there is a far
stronger case that the highly encoded messages found in DNA could only
have come into existence through intelligent design. The fact that it is
found in every life form is proof that all life was formed by a single
Hugh Ross investigates the twentieth century's scientific struggle
to come to grips with cosmological evidence for a designed universe.
Book review of J.P. Moreland's book centering on the intelligent
design thesis. Problems and issues addressed by the book include the
scientific status and legitimacy of both intelligent design and Neo-darwinian
Dr. Hugh Ross discusses the question "Does the Genesis creation
account force a wedge between faith and science?" Millions of devoted
Christians find themselves painfully torn in the controversy surrounding
the age of the earth.
Explores the evidence for design in the DNA structure.
A review of Philip Johnson's book "Darwin on Trial." The author
explores Johnson?s review of the weaknesses of evolutionary theory and
the impact of materialistic philosophy on science education.
Michael Behe's book Darwin's Black Box was hailed by Christianity
Today as 1996's Book of the Year, with good reason. This is the first
book suggesting Intelligent Design that has received such serious
attention from the scientific community. Dr. Ray Bohlin, with a
background in molecular biology, reviews this book from a perspective as
a creationist and scientist.
No abstract available for this article
No abstract available for this article
No abstract available for this article
Condensed version of video study guide designed for use in
conjunction with debate video: Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic
Philosophy? The Johnson/Provine Debate at Stanford University, April 30,
The proceedings of a symposium entitled "Darwinism: Scientific
Inference or Philosophical Preference?" held on the campus of Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA, on March 26-28, 1992.
Some Darwinists deny that there's any evidence against their theory.
In this essay, which first appeared in Citizen Magazine, Mark Hartwig
discusses some of the evidence that contradicts this claim.
Phillip Johnson?s important book, Defeating Darwinism, explains how
evolution gained dominance as a theory of origins, and exposes its
UNscientific foundations.
Essay on Scientific American's firing of veteran science writer
Forrest Mims because he didn't believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.
This article provides a clear indication of what is meant by design
and then summarizes the factual basis from cosmology that our universe
is indeed uniquely designed as a habitat for life in general and humans
in particular.
The discovery of a city clearly points to the blueprints and design
of its architects. Similar logic was used by William Paley, author of
"Natural Theology" who used the illustration of finding a watch in the
road as proof of a watchmaker. Scientists have now discovered a similar
evidence of design within the microscopic world. When one discovers the
complexity of the cell world, and the encoded language of DNA there is
only one logical explanation for its existence; God is the Builder of
No abstract available for this article
A cursory examination of human physiology reveals: 1) the complexity
of man and what it suggests about man's origins, 2) the efficient and
versatile operation of man compared with machine, and 3) the depth of
our ignorance about how man's physiological systems operate.
The Cambrian explosion of life has long befuddled evolutionists. New
data have only deepened the mystery and caused a critical rethinking of
cherished evolutionary concepts.
Sociobiology claims to explain the origin and meaning of all human
and animal social behavior in terms of genetics and natural selection.
This view is inadequate to explain the complexities of human nature but
curiously agrees with theism that man?s basic behavior is ultimately
5 crises in evolutionary theory are discussed: 1) the
unsubstantiation of a Darwinian mechanism of evolution, 2)The total
failure of origin of life studies to produce a workable model, 3) The
inability of evolutionary mechanism to explain the origin of complex
adaptations, 4) The bankruptcy of the blind watchmaker hypothesis, and
5) The biological evidence that the rule in nature is morphological
stability over time and not constant change.
Review of Michael Anderson's book, in which he discusses the
shortcomings of the investigative methods of paleoanthropology.
Author Tim Ganstrom, BSE, rebuts Jean L. Bertelsen Pond's "Catholic
Frogs" article advocating that scientific propositions and Christian
beliefs have no bearing on each other.
Young-earth creationists need to be able to explain earth?s
geological features as the result of a year-long flood only a few
thousand years ago. The Grand Canyon is one of the few areas of the
world that allows them to attempt to show that their model fits reality.
Patterns of similarity (homologies) among diverse groups of
organisms gave Darwin one of the key lines of evidence for his theory of
common descent. Recently, the neo-Darwinian interpretation of homology
has been powerfully challenged by new data.
No abstract available for this article
Review of Brian Goodwin's book, in which Goodwin argues that
neo-Darwinism fails to explain the large scale aspects of evolution,
including the origin of species
Phillip E. Johnson issues a call to separate materialist philosophy
from empirical science. This article is edited from the final address at
the Mere Creation Conference.
The study of human evolution suffers from too few fossils, tunnel
world view vision, powerful personalities, and too much media
misinformation. This article tries to sort out the data from a
creationist perspective.
Is there anything that can happen in the world that would indicate
unmistakably that God had acted? The existence of computational problems
for which discovering the solution is intractable, but for which
checking the solution once it is in hand is tractable, raises the
possibility of being able to detect divine action with full empirical
certainty. (Note, this paper was written in 1992 before quantum
computation became widely discussed. If it were being written today, it
would need to take this development into account.
New frequently asked questions section of Access Research Network's
site. Deals with common questions like, "What is Intelligent Design?"
and "But doesn't Intelligent Design refer to something supernatural?
Isn't science supposed to restrict itself to the natural world?"
This paper was written for the conference, "The Darwinian Paradigm:
Problems and Prospects," held June 22-25, 1993, organized by Phillip
Johnson. This paper is intended to highlight key points in the readings
, and to suggest some general issues for discussion.
Dr. J. P. Moreland responds to the question "How are we to
understand the relationship between science and Christianity?"
A review of "Mere Creation: Science, Faith, and Intelligent Design,"
written by William A. Dembski and published by InterVarsity Press
(Downer's Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1998. 475p.). This review is
by Jim Miller.
Science by its very nature, a widely-held philosophical view
maintains, simply cannot refer to theological claims. In part one of a
two-part article, University of Notre Dame philosopher Alvin Plantinga
offers a distinctly different perspective.
Science by its very nature, a widely-held philosophical view
maintains, simply cannot refer to theological claims. In part two of a
two-part article, University of Notre Dame philosopher Alvin Plantinga
offers a distinctly different perspective.
Syndicated columnist Michael Kinsley tries to use an out-dated
evolutionary theory to support embryonic stem-cell research, and is
roundly trounced in this article by Nancy Pearcey, which was published
in Human Events.
Darwinism has been beset in recent years by several reversals in key
evidence supporting the theory. The most embarrassing was the "dinobird"
that turned out to be a hoax. This article published in the March 10,
2000 issue of Human Events examines the hoax and reviews other
surprising reversals.
An essay on irreducible complexity by Michael Behe. Behe explains
the concept of the "black box", irreducible complexity, and gives
This article summarizes the book by the same name. The authors
critique both Darwinism and puncuated equilibrium, and offer an
alternative based on Intelligent Design.
Does Natural Selection prevent major evolutionary change and account
for higher taxon-level stasis? Art Battson probes that idea in this
thought-provoking article.
In this March 1997 World magazine article, Pearcey gives a brief
discussion of the design movement, how it got started, and where it's
headed. (Originally titled "The Evolution Backlash") \
What is the newest evidence for the Big Bang? The cosmic background
radiation is exactly what was expected if the universe began as an
immensely hot event 10-20 billion years ago. But the universe that was
created is "just-right" for life. Dozens of factors are exquisitely
fine-tuned for life to be able to exist, at least on our planet.
Cosmology is at a surprising crossroads. The evidence for design in
the physical universe is so strong that cosmologists today openly
discuss philosophical questions, as Nancy Pearcey shows in this
September 2, 2000 World article.
John Wiester explains the paradigm shift in geology from continental
drift to plate tectonics, and expresses the hope that biology can learn
from the mistakes of geology when considering the concept of intelligent
design versus natural selection.
As part of a series highlighting Lee Strobel's new book "The Case
for Faith," Colson comments on discoveries by NASA and others which show
a universe incredibly and uniquely suited for life.
This is a review essay of the book "Reason in the Balance: The Case
Against Naturalism in Science, Law and Education" by Phillip E. Johnson.
Reviewed by Nancy R. Pearcey. This book traces the influences of
Darwinism over the last century.
Robert DiSilvestro provides a very short summary of the basic ideas
of the book "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael Behe, and then briefly
describes the eight main criticisms and gives rebuttals to them.
No abstract available for this article
Phillip Johnson has authored Darwin on Trial, contending theories of
evolution are based on philosophical naturalism. Dr. Stephen Jay Gould
responded to Johnson's book. This is Johnson's reply.
Arthur Shapiro faults creationists generally and Phillip Johnson in
particular for thinking that Darwinism entails naturalism/atheism.
Shapiro is right as far as he goes, but he doesn't go nearly far enough.
The point is not whether Darwinism logically compels atheism, but
whether Darwinism makes atheism that much more plausible. It does. Given
Darwinism, there is no reason to think God had anything to do with
biology, thus no reason to think that God has been active in creation,
and thus no reason to think that God exists. One can remain a theist, of
course, but such a theism then becomes a sheer believism, or what is
sometimes called fideism