"Great is our Lord and great is His strength and there is no number to His wisdom.
Praise Him heavens, praise Him sun, moon, planets, whatever sense you may use to perceive,
whatever tongue to express our Creator. Praise Him heavenly harmonies, praise Him you
witnesses of the (now) detected harmonies. Praise also you, my soul, your Lord the Creator
as long as I shall be. For from Him and through Him, and in Him is all. Both what is
perceived by the senses and by the mind, as much what we don't know at all as what we do
know, a minimal part of it. To Him be praise, honor and glory into all
eternity. Amen"
(Beer, 1975, 361).
"The Creator, the
fountain of all wisdom, the approver of perpetual order, the eternal and superessential
spring of geometry and harmonics"
(Ibid, 356).
"Geometry... coeternal with God...and reflecting in
the Divine mind has supplied God with the examples...for the furnishing of the world so
that it became the best and most beautiful, and (even) also the most similar to the
(Ibid, 75).
"But we Christians...know that the eternal and
uncreated Logos who was with God and who is contained by no abode, although He is in all,
(We know) that He has suscepted flesh from the uterus of the...Virgin Mary in the unity of
a person, and that, after the consummation of His ministry in the flesh He has occupied
the heavens as His royal abode, in which as somehow excelling over all other parts of the
world, I.e.through His glory and majesty, also the Heavenly Father is acknowledged to
habitate, and in which He has promised also to His faithful mansions in the house of His
(Ibid, 356).
"O Thou who through the light of nature increasest in us the
longing for the light of Thy Grace that through it we may come to the light of Thy
majesty, I give Thee thanks, Creator and God, that Thou has given me this joy in Thy
creation, and I rejoice in the works of Thy hands. See I have now completed the work to
which I was called. In it I have used all the talents Thou has lent to my spirit. I have
revealed the majesty of Thy works to those men who will read my works, insofar as my
narrow understanding can comprehend their infinite richness"
(Ibid, 359).
Beer, A.
Kepler -Four Hundred Years, Oxford: Pergamom Press, 1975.