Cause , Principle, Eternal
On which all being, motion and
life depend:
In length, in breath, in depth
your powers extend
As far as heaven and earth and
hell may be--
With sense, with reason, and
with spirit I’ve seen
That reckoning, measure and
act can’t comprehend
The force, the number and
mass, which, with no end,
Pass all that’s low or high or
set between.
(Bruno, 1962, 55)
Universal Intellect is the innermost, most real and essential faculty and
the most efficacious part of the word-soul.
It is the one and the same thing, which fills the whole,
illumines the universe, and directs nature in producing her species in the
right way. It plays the same role in the production of natural things as
our intellect does in the parallel production of rational systems”
(Ibid., 81).
Bruno, Giordano. Cause, Principle and Unity. Background
Books, 1962.