"God does not leave man to the weakness of his
fallen nature; grace, before healing and vivifying man anew, is still
present to envelop and attract him, to call him and incite him in
anticipation. Our fallen nature is exposed to grace as our tired bodies are
to the rays of the sun." (Maritain, 1953, 73)
"God does not refuse His grace to one who acts
to the best of his own ability; but it is under the action of grace that man
prepares to receive grace."
(Ibid, 74)
"What is needed first and foremost is a
rediscovery of Being, and by the same token a rediscovery of love. This
means axiomatically, a rediscovery of God."
(Ibid, 87)
Maritain, J. The Range of Reason.
London: Jeoffrey Bles, 1953.