"The existence of God is the
first and the most eternal of all truths that exist and the only one
from which proceed all others."
(Descartes, 1963, 265)
"It is certain that He is
the author of the essence as well as the existence of His creatures."
(Ibid, 267)
"I know that God is the
author of all things...I said that I know , not that I think nor that I
understand; because we know that God is infinite and omnipotent."
(Ibid, 267)
"It is in God the
same thing to will, to understand and to create without one preceding
the other."
(Ibid, 268)
brings everything to its perfection."
(Ibid, 269)
Descartes, R. Oevres
Philosophiques (Tome1), Paris, Editions Garnier Freres, 1963.