John Stuart Mill
"In voluntary action
alone we see a commencement, an origination of motion; since all other causes appear
incapable of this origination experience is in favor of the conclusion that all the
motion in existence owed this beginning to this one cause, voluntary agency, if not that
of man, then of a more powerful being."
(Mill, 1969, 437)
"Among the
facts of the universe to be accounted for, it may be said, is mind; and it is self evident
that nothing can have produced Mind but Mind."
(Ibid, 439)
"I think it must be allowed that, in the present
state of our knowledge, the adaptations in nature afford a large balance of probability in
favor of creation by intelligence."
(Ibid, 450)
J. Essays on Ethics, Religion, and Society. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,